
Everyone loves a good deal and New Mexicans are no exception. That’s why when we saw a report on each state’s most popular Costco items we had to see what bargains New Mexicans are loading up on in industrial quantities.

To find the answer, the online shopping site Coupon Birds scoured sites like Facebook, X, Instagram, and Reddit to find out the most popular Costco products in each state.

It’s always about the mac & cheese, isn’t it?

The Costco product talked about most in the most states? The Goodles Cheddy Mac White Cheddar Shells, dominating online discussions in four states: Georgia, Mississippi, New York and Ohio.

But when it comes to groceries, not every state is into powdered cheese. Idaho is loading up on Reese’s Dipped Animal Crackers and Texas is working on getting a little more fiber in their diet. California, meanwhile, is loading up on cheap Kirkland brand wine. Of course they are.

People appreciate the necessities most…and gold bars

State-specific Costco favorites are one thing, but when it comes to the most talked-about product from Costco in the country, it’s the Kirkland Premium Paper Towels — the only product with over 1,000 mentions on social media over a single week.

The second-most discussed Costco product, with 1,089 mentions in a single week, was…gold bars. It makes sense, really. When you’re trudging through the crowded aisles searching for the Goodles Mac, you probably have but two other things on our mind: chowing down on that dollar-fifty hot dog and soda combo after checking out and balancing your portfolio.

All you need to know about why this $2,000+ item from Costco is a hit product comes from one simple comment from social media: “Save them to barter when doomsday comes.”

The only other product to hit over 1,000 comments in a week from Costco is the beloved rotisserie chicken. This is one of the few places where the supermarket giant has taken some heat. We found lots of comments about a decline in flavor, like this one:

“It used to be good. Now it tastes like chemicals. There’s a whole thread about it, actually.”

This reinforces the whole idea that people value quality and affordability, especially during times when the dollar is worth less and less. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to develop a positive brand image. Just sell a hot dog that isn’t absolute garbage at a price people can afford, and you get free online publicity like THIS:

“Bad day today. But I just got a Costco hot dog, so everything’s coming up”.

“Inflation isn’t real if the only thing you eat is the Costco Hot Dog Combo.”

New Mexico is all about…style?

New Mexico has never been one to follow the pack, however. We spell chile the correct way and a New Mexico United jersey is perfectly acceptable office attire.

So maybe it is no surprise that New Mexico’s most popular item is… Kirkland women’s leggings.

While Coupon Birds freely admits that its survey isn’t scientific, maybe there is some truth to it. A quick search on costco.com for leggings found them out of stock in all New Mexico locations.

This story is a staff report from The Paper.